The Opposition Podcast

Australian news & politics from a different perspective

About the show

In a nation where there is no real opposition left, Avi Yemini and Rukshan Fernando take a stand for the issues that really matter to Australians.

The Opposition Podcast broadcasts live from our Melbourne studio and provides an alternative viewpoint on news and politics in Australia and New Zealand, it exposes narratives often neglected by the mainstream media. Both hosts are not hesitant to illuminate controversial topics that many media platforms shy away from. Their coverage offers a fresh perspective on societal issues that are highly relevant yet often ignored.

Episodes of the podcast, which run between 1.5 to 2 hours, often feature compelling guests from various backgrounds. These include politicians such as United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet and content creators like Chantelle Baker, a New Zealand political commentator, and individuals who have made significant contributions to society such as Heston Russell, a former commando in the Australian Special Forces.

The podcast is a forceful platform in the defence of free speech, as evidenced by the hosts' inclination to facilitate conversations on contentious issues[. It serves as an important counter-narrative to mainstream discourse, thereby reinforcing the essence of a free and vibrant democratic society.


  • It's easy to call out Nazis. But what about Antifa? — The Opposition Podcast No. 2

    May 30th, 2023  |  1 hr 29 mins
    australia, avi yemini, conservative, culture, lockdown, melbourne, news, pandemic, politics, pop culture, rebel, rukshan fernando, victoria

    In this episode of The Opposition Podcast Rebel News Australia's Avi Yemini and independent journalist Rukshan Fernando, talk to Dr Aseem Malhotra, a renowned British cardiologist and public health advocate. His work has been pivotal in shedding light on diet-related diseases and the corruption within the food industry and medical sector for years.

  • British cardiologist sheds light on medical corruption — The Opposition Podcast No. 1

    May 23rd, 2023  |  19 mins 11 secs
    australia, avi yemini, conservative, culture, lockdown, melbourne, news, pandemic, politics, pop culture, rebel, rukshan fernando, victoria

    In this episode of The Opposition Podcast Rebel News Australia's Avi Yemini and independent journalist Rukshan Fernando, talk to Dr Aseem Malhotra, a renowned British cardiologist and public health advocate. His work has been pivotal in shedding light on diet-related diseases and the corruption within the food industry and medical sector for years.